How can I Reduce my Energy Bills?

I can only assume everyone will be asking ‘how can I reduce my Energy Bills?’ given the recent announcement. A staggering 22 million customers are likely to be impacted by the price cap increase. Now is the time to find ways to save on energy and in turn, save some pennies (more likely hundreds of pounds)!

So, if you are looking to instantly cut your energy bills, read on as we have some useful recomendations for you.

  • Stop using your Tumble Dryer

Ok, stopping entirely may seem like a big ask – but what if we told you this can significantly reduce your energy spend? You can save a considerable amount by cutting back on your usage, specifically around £55.00 annually. Stopping using your Tumble Dryer is a win-win, you burn a bit of energy physically whilst hanging up your clothes and save energy at the same time! In our eyes, if you are able to – there’s very few reasons not to make this switch!

  • Top up the Insulation in your Loft

Did you know around 25% of heat you pay for is lost through the roof? This means that the payback on your insulation is generally under 2 years – it is well worth doing, given the speed of return on your investment. The energy increase is likely to mean you would payback quicker than ever, seems like a no brainer this one – invest once, save for years!

Now there are a couple of ways you can go about this, you can insulate the loft floor or you can insulate the underside of your pitch, by simply stapling the insulation to your roof rafters. If space is premium or you are considering a re roof, you can insulate from the external as discussed here.

SuperQuilt Loft Double Layer

  •  Turn your Appliances OFF

Now this one may sound obvious and so it may surprise you to hear that in an interview undertaken by the Money Super Market HALF of the interviewees admitted that even when they went abroad – they left items on standby! I am not sure they will be doing the same in a few months time. So, if your not using something – Turn it Off. 

The Energy Saving Trust advised that between 9-16% of electricity consumed in homes is drained by applications left on standby. Only pay when you are using the application! If you aren’t using something, then turn it fully OFF at the plug.

Are you fed up of having really cold floors? Do you ever think you are not only allowing the cold to enter your home, via your floors – but you are also allowing your heat to escape too. Now, there are a few ways you can do this – if your existing flooring is already down, you may opt to temporarily remove the flooring to insulate it with EcoTec Floor Foam. 

If your floor is concrete, simply use double sided tape to secure the EcoTec Floor Foam. 

If you have floorboards, simply staple the EcoTec Floor Foam directly to the Floor Boards.

Do you have access to the crawl space? If so, use either EcoQuilt or SuperQuilt – this is the best way to save space and massively improve your heat retention.

Have a suspended timber floor? Follow the guide HERE

Have a solid floor? Follow this guide HERE

FloorFoam Fitting

  • By a Smart Plug! 

Invest in a smart plug, this automatically stops the electrical flow when charged. We know its not always easy to remember to turn things fully off – so if you don’t have to much to think about, buy a smart plug, let that do the work for you!

  • Insulate your Walls

Did you know that approximately one third of heat loss (in an uninsulated home) is lost via the Walls? To put this in to perspective, for every £100 you spend, £33 escapes via your uninsulated Walls.

We therefore deem the walls to be an essential area to insulate – many fear they will loose internal space, however multifoils are perfect for people with this concern as they take up very little space. If you are looking for the highest performing multifoil, we advise using SuperQuilt. If you are looking to improve your Wall Insulation, but you are on a tight budget – we would advise Installing EcoAir Tec Double. The middle range product, which is the most popular product used by homeowners on their Walls is called EcoQuilt. 

You can also install from the external, to save space whilst enjoying the energy saving benefits – view this sheet here which details this application. 

Solid Wall Insulation

  • Install a Thermostat

A thermostat works by regulating the temperature within the home. It senses the temperature and continually monitors it and turns on and off to keep a consistent temperature.  Many people will turn their heating on and it will continue burning energy until turned off, a thermostat / smart meter, will notice when you are at your desired temperature and turn off.

  • Insulate behind your Radiators

By installing a Radiator Insulation Kit, this will reflect the heat back in to the room instead of the heat given off behind the radiator escaping it is reflected off the wall in to the wider space!

This is the easiest home improvement and is suitable for even those with the smallest budgets – little tweaks and improvements will make a big difference.

So What Now?

If you want to reduce your own energy bills – act now, insulate and make some of the above changes and I can guarantee you will not regret it when the increase is in place.

Any queries you have regarding choosing an application or product, relating to the insulation content above – just get in touch with us via our Contact Us Form.